Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Responsibility

Through reading, I've learn a lot. Just now, I read about a husband and wife responsibility towards their marriage in Islamic perspective. It's a brief but informative article. Basically, it's about women in Islam. Feel free to go through these link..
- about the sharing of work between husband and wife.
"Someone may ask at this point: Who is then to do the housework? The answer is twofold: If we are speaking strictly from the points of view of rights and duties, it is not the duty of the woman to do the housework in her husband’s home. If he wants that work done, he has to see to it that it is done. Life is not all about rights and duties. There is much more in the marital relationship than duties and rights. There is what Islam terms
“companionship based on goodwill”. It is under this heading that he duties and responsibilities of the family are divided between the husband and wife. When we ask for guidelines on this particular point, they are readily available."... and lots more inside..
- Jadi, tak ada gunanya kita mencari keredaan makhluk. Cukuplah Allah bagi kita. Lagi pun tiap-tiap kali sembahyang kita mengaku “Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadatku, hidupku, matiku adalah unuk Allah Tuhan sekelian alam. Tidak ada sekutu bagiNya....”.. part of the content (In Malay)
- another Malay article.. Very easy to understand.
Beberapa hari ini dalam minggu ini, di grup yang saya sertai 'bising' dengan perbincangan satu klausa yang julung-julung kalinya saya dengar, iaitu, "syurga isteri di bawah tapak kaki suami". Tergelak saya baca kenyataan yang pada kiraan saya tidak berasas sama sekali. Rata-rata, lelaki (yang sudah bergelar suami) sangat taksub mempertahankan ayat ini walaupun GAGAL memberikan dalil/nas/hadis yang berkaitan dengannya. Saya pula tidak mungkin terpedaya dengan ayat ini kerana bagi saya, apa ke JADAHNYA syurga isteri di tapak kaki suami?"

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